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Applying to become a driving instructor can be confusing we are here to help you through this process.

To start the process, you will need to get a TRNC Police Clean Paper check. Then actually apply on SSEK to become a driving instructor. When your application has been approved you will receive your Personal Reference Number (PRN). 

Once you have your PRN you can start training to become a driving instructor with SSEK.

To become a driving instructor you need to take and pass 3 tests
•    Theory test 
•    Driving ability 
•    Instructional ability 

You can pay for the course in full or in 3 stages, or just pay as you go.

Course costs
Option 1: Full course paid in full


  • Includes Part 1 Training

  • 5 x 2 Hours Part 2 Training

  • 20 x 2 Hours Part 3 Training

Extra sessions £25 per hour (min. 2 hours per session)


Option 2: Full course paid in 3 instalments

Total £825

  • Part One   £  50

  • Part Two    £250

  • Part Three £525

Extra sessions £ 25 per hour (min. 2 hours per session)

Option 3: Pay as you go


  • Part One: Pay as you go.  £20 per hour (min. 2 hours per session)

  • Part Two: Pay as you go.   £30 per hour (min. 2 hours per session)

  • Part Three: Pay as you go. £30 per hour (min. 2 hours per session)

Each option has added value

  • A support officer to guide you through the process from beginning to the end

  • 1-2-1 in-car training with a qualified SSEK and ORDIT Trainer

  • Quality online learning materials and suggested SSEK - DVSA reading guides

  • Guidance on when you are ready to take each of the three ADI tests

  • Students for teaching practice and when you eventually qualify

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Pay a £50 deposit today and get started right away

Call us to see how we can get you started! 0533 820 5444 

or email

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