Aims and Objectives
Driving Standard Education Institution was first established in 2018 and aims to standardize the traffic and save lives on the roads by assisting the government and all relevant bodies.
Unfortunately, North Cyprus does not use any specific successful traffic models, 60% of the rules are old UK rules and the remaining was imported from all around the world, this is causing chaos.
South Cyprus community have been using UK Model and has been very successful.
EU - TAIEX experts have accepted UK Highway Code to be used in North Cyprus as well.
TEK has expanded in many ways during 3.5 years working with European Union's, Cyprus Turkish community Missions.
At EU Missions TEK has a proven track record, TEK has managed to get EU - TAIEX to accept that the best way of regulating the TCc Highway Code is by adopting the UK Highway Code which is also used by CGc.
TEK approved driving schools provide both manual/automatic driving lessons, Motorbike CBT / On-road lessons, Driver / Rider Instructor and Examiner courses, Fleet training courses.